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The career path of a pilot involves continual learning and upscaling of skills. Becoming, and remaining, a safe, professional aviator—equipped with the appropriate knowledge, skills and attitude to manage sophisticated modern equipment—is an on-going journey. Whilst the process demands commitment, dedication and confidence, the end results are most rewarding. At Alt. Academy’s Pilot Training faculty, we understand what it takes to be the best of the best. To this end, our team of qualified airline instructors are dedicated to refining the necessary skills and building resilience and confidence in our trainee pilots.
Alt. Academy
+27 87 470 0202
Fortress St & Whirlwind St
Rhodesfield, Kempton Park, 1619
External Training Manager
The team
Our Team of Fight Instructors boasts more than:
60 000 Hours on Boeing 737’s
10 000 Hours of flight training on modern narrow bodied aircraft
70 Years of Airline experience